Subjective, speculative timeline on emerging technologies.
Researched & designed independently in 2011.

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March 1, 2011
A smart, comprehensive timeline of over 50 of the buzziest technologies. Everyday, we blitz you with news of exotic technologies that will change the world — and so does everyone else. You’d have to be Ray Kurzweil to keep it all straight. But luckily,technologist Michell Zappa has created a simple cheat sheet mapping out all the buzziest technologies in development today.
April 1, 2011
Credit for sparking this idea goes to Michell Zappa, a UK-based technologist. He sent me his take on the future, Envisioning technology, and suggested a post on Smarter Planet about it. Michell has launched an intriguing exploration, and I encourage you to look at it and give him your feedback, either on his site or ours.
November 29, 2011
It is a fascinating poster with a great overarching view of what we might experience in the future and is definite food for thought. And that was the point of the poster…
November 2, 2011
Many have tried, but Michell Zappa‘s visualisation of the next 25 years is one of the best and clearest I’ve seen. Now if only there was a way to adjust the due dates and play with the cumulative societal impact I could lose myself in this for weeks!
November 1, 2011
Já tinhamos publicado o primeiro em março, e desta vez o mapa de tecnologias emergentes foi totalmente redesenhado, está mais interativo e traz ainda mais informações sobre cada tecnologia e o cenário mundial. O resultado é uma visão macro e unificada sobre o que vem por aí em diversas áreas, como inteligência artificial, internet, interfaces, sensores, robótica, materiais, energia, etc.
October 1, 2011
Первое, что приходит на ум, – Стив Джобс, который за последние тридцать лет сделал вклад в развитие множества отраслей. Его влияние будет ощущаться несколько десятилетий.
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March 6, 2011
The good news is that help is on hand: a designer from, Michell Zappa, has somehow managed to map out potential future technologies in a digestible form (and this isn’t just conjecture, this is based on research).
March 5, 2011
Envisioning technology de Michell Zappa es una bonita infografía que juega a predecir cómo será el futuro de la tecnología partiendo del momento actual en sectores como aeronáutica, Internet, inteligencia artificial, robótica, biotecnología, defensa, energías renovables… de forma reconocidamente especulativa y subjetiva; hecha al antojo de su autor, vaya.
March 4, 2011
While we can’t exactly predict the future of technology, we certainly enjoy trying. And Michell Zappa’s infographic helps us visualize what the world might look like in the coming years…technologically speaking. So go ahead and click below to find out when we might see 5G, a space elevator and oh so much more.
March 3, 2011
The graphic is titled Envisioning the near future of technology and is inspired by a wide variety of sources – Wired, Kevin Kelly, Ray Kurzweil, Clay Shirky, Clive Thompson, John Battelle and others. It looks at what technology will be of importance over the next 15-20 years.
March 2, 2011
Michell Zappa studied these company events and put together a brilliant infographic on just where the technologies may head in the near future. It’s based upon the predictions from companies within the industries of Warfare, Biotech, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet, Money, Materials, Green Energy and Space.